Pe 8 decembrie, a avut loc Gala Generozității 2024, ediție de Crăciun, un eveniment remarcabil, care a reunit peste 300 de invitați generoși, dornici să sprijine cauze nobile și să contribuie la...
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The Generosity Gala is a signature event hosted by CCF Moldova with our Patroness Valentina Nafornița. Together we have brought on stage renowned artists, famous orchestral compositions and personalities who make Moldova famous all over the world. All for the benefit of children in need.
The Gala event offers you:
- an exceptional concert
- a festive dinner with a special menu, accompanied by the famous local wines
-a charity auction with special items and experiences donated by generous partners and supporters
Join us for the most important charity event of the year!
Campaign Period: October – December each year
Tickets are available at iTicket.
For sponsorship packages please email