Run for Children

"Run for Children is a team of spirited people, passionate runners and supporters who want to change lives. 

Each year, we gather at the start of the race with compassionate hearts and determination to bring new hope into the lives of children. We invite you to run with us, in the Run for Children team, at the Chisinau International Marathon, organised by

Register HERE to join the Run for Children team. Run individually or choose a corporate package and run with the team. Wear the yellow shirt and be the hero of the children!

Event Period: August  - September, each year 

Email for more details

Take the step. Run for a cause. Run for hope. Run for Children.

Fii EROUL copiilor!

Circa 100 de alergători vor susține cauza CCF/HHC Moldova, pentru a colecta bani ca 3 familii sărace să fie conectate la apă.

Thu, 09/20/2018 - 14:06